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Courses & Workshops

To find out when each course and workshop is offered, please consult our online activity calendar. To register, simply email us at info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

List of courses and workshops

Updated January 2023

Free with membership

If you are interested in becoming an FMH member, click HERE

The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program is a 8-week course for those who have family members who are living with a mental health issue. The course is facilitated by volunteers (people who also have family members living with a mental health issue) who have been trained to present the curriculum. It’s designed for the family members of people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder (BPD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or who exhibit behaviors that strongly suggest one of these diagnoses. The course is not appropriate for individuals who are themselves living with one of these mental health issues.

Course Topics include:

  • Our emotional responses to the trauma of a mental health issue
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of common mental health issues: Schizophrenia, Depression, Bipolar disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
  • The biology of the brain, and new research.
  • Coping skills; handling crisis and relapse.
  • Understanding what it’s like to have a mental health disorder.
  • Listening and communication techniques.
  • Problem solving and limit setting; rehabilitation.
  • Self-care; recognizing the normal emotional reactions to chronic worry and stress caused by mental health issues.
  • Medications used to treat mental health issues, and their side effects.
  • Connecting with appropriate community services and community support.
  • Advocacy: Getting better services, fighting discrimination.

Free with membership -Registration Required

To learn more about the NAMI program, please read here: https://www.f2fontario.ca/

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

La pleine conscience est une pratique quotidienne qui permet d’être dans le moment présent, centré et détendu, tout en gardant l’esprit ouvert et sans jugement. Il a été démontré qu’un tel entraînement de votre attention et de votre cerveau favorise la résilience et réduit le stress et l’anxiété. Les proches aidants apprendront progressivement comment réduire le ressassement de pensée et travailler avec leurs inquiétudes. Cette pratique favorise l’acceptation de ce qui est présent dans notre vie incluant ce que nous ne pouvons changer.

Mandatory registration | 30$

This training course informs families about borderline personality disorder, how it presents and the challenges it poses. It encourages families to implement changes that will improve their quality of life and that of the person living with BPD.

This 6-week psychoeducational program on bipolar disorder has been designed to help family members with a loved one living with this disorder. Each class includes theory, exercises and participation.

Workshop Outline:

  • What is Bipolar Disorder? An Introduction
  • Causes of Bipolar Disorder?
  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Main Treatments of Bipolar Disorder
  • Development of Skills & Attitudes - Relationships/ Communication
  • Warning Signs and Relapse

Cost: 30 $ - Registration Required

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

This 6-week psychoeducational course on schizophrenia allows families to develop their adaptive skills so they can cope with the symptoms observed in their loved one and possible crises caused by the acute phases of the illness.

Workshop Outline:

  1. What is Schizophrenia: An Introduction
  2. Causes of Schizophrenia
  3. Dual Diagnosis
  4. Main Treatments of Schizophrenia
  5. Development of Skills & Attitudes – Relationships/Communication
  6. Warning Signs and Relapse

Cost: 30$ - Registration Required

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

In this class, we will learn more about the anxiety experience, specifics about several anxiety disorders, and what treatments are available for the person with anxiety. We will also look at the experience of the friends and family, and learn helpful ways of supporting someone who is living with anxiety.

  • Members only
  • Registration required
  • 30$ with membership

Contact us at 514-636-6885 or at info@asmfmh.org to register

Hoarding disorder is characterized by a persistent difficulty in getting rid of items, which were often accumulated in an impulsive manner, to the point that the clutter disrupts daily living. In this two week course, we will present what hoarding disorder is in more detail, how it compares to other mental health issues, and how it can be treated. We will also look at what the caregivers can do by discussing unhelpful and helpful approaches.

In this 4-session training, we will try to demystify cyber dependence and better understand its impact on the affected individual and  the entourage. Caregivers will be able to learn about strategies to help and support people living with addictions and cyber dependence in order to guide them towards recovery.

Course #1 objective

  • Demystify cyber dependence
  • Better understand cyber dependence and its possible causes
  • Recognize when Internet use becomes problematic

Course#2 objective

  • Better understand the issues of cyber dependence for the person and his or her entourage
  • Become aware of the impacts and dangers of cyber dependence
  • Explore the emotions experienced by those around the person with cyber dependence
  • Become familiar with the concept of codependency

Course#3 objective

  • Become familiar with strategies for helping and treating the person with addictions and cyber dependence

Course #4 objective

  • Develop supportive strategies to accompany your loved ones who are exhibiting behaviors related to cyber dependence

Cost: $30 –Registration Required


To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.


To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

This two week course examines what self-harm and suicide are, and how friends and family can respond to a loved one who is self-harming and/or contemplating suicide.

*At the moment, this course is offered only in French

Apaiser et prévenir des situations de crise a été conçu en tenant compte du vécu des accompagnateurs d’un proche qui a une problématique de santé mentale. Le but premier de cette formation est de développer une attitude qui assure ma sécurité et qui contribue à diminuer la fréquence et l’intensité des crises de mon proche.

Compétences à acquérir par le participant:

  • Mieux assurer ma sécurité, celle des personnes présentes, et celle de mon proche.
  • Identifier des comportements agressifs verbaux et non verbaux chez mon proche.
  • Prendre conscience de l’impact de mes propres comportements lors de situations de crise.
  • Être capable de rester calme et rationnel.
  • Garder une distance émotionnelle.
  • Départager les comportements acceptables de ceux qui sont inacceptables.
  • Savoir utiliser plusieurs stratégies en cas de danger.

Cost: 30 $ - Registration Required

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

The presence of two (or more) mental health issues (often substance abuse and a mental health issue like depression, anxiety, psychosis, etc.) may represent a challenge for many families. In this class, we seek to explain possible causes of the comorbidity, how it may complicate the condition of your loved one, and how it affects the prognosis. We will also discuss the treatment options and the difficulties encountered. The main goal is to help you to better understand the condition of your loved one and how to support them in overcoming this challenge.

  • Members only
  • Registration required
  • 30$ with membership

Contact us at 514-636-6885 or at info@asmfmh.org to register

This workshop focuses on defining your boundaries and exploring why it’s hard to set limits. We discuss what is involved in developing an action plan, maintaining your sanity and setting your limits.

Workshop 1: What are boundaries?

Workshop 2: What gets us stuck!

Workshop 3: Building the frame

Workshop 4: Building the frame (continued)

Workshop 5: Maintaining the frame

Workshop 6: Finishing touches

Cost: 30 $ - Registration Required

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

This course sheds light on the mental health system and helps family caregivers develop skills that could be helpful in difficult situations. The objective is to improve their strategies and integrate new ones in order to face the challenges surrounding their role.

Workshop Outline:

  • The healthcare system explained
  • How are families affected and explaining the major mental illnesses
  • Developing skills and attitudes for families and Crisis intervention
  • Law and finances
  • Recovery and Advocacy

Cost: 30 $ - Registration Required

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

This workshop will focus on tools and skills to build resilience into the daily lives of caregivers. The goal is to help individuals improve and develop ways of coping with their role as a caregiver.

Workshop Outline:

Week 1 | Mental Health Issues and Caregiving - Part 1

Week 2 | Mental Health Issues and Caregiving - Part 2

Week 3 | The Role and Challenges of a Caregiver

Week 4 | Self-Care: The Anatomy of Resilience- Part 1

Week 5 | Self-Care: The Anatomy of Resilience- Part 2

Week 6 | Self-Care: The Plan

Cost: $30 – Registration Required

To view the dates that this course is being offered, please consult our online calendar.

To register, please send an email to info@asmfmh.org or call us at 514-636-6885.

In this course, you will learn various communication strategies to better connect with your loved one. In addition to the LEAP approach, designed to encourage the creation of a trusting relationship and motivating someone towards change, we will look at other strategies designed to make communication clear, as well as how to cope with some of the obstacles to healthy communication

In this brief workshop (2 sessions), we will talk about validation, invalidation, and self-validation. We will explore the benefits and challenges to validating, and have the chance to practice with the other participants.

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