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Write to us at 438-922-3474

Friends for Mental Health

Providing support and tools to the family and the entourage of a person living with a mental health problem, for the well-being of all.

Take advantage of all we have to offer by becoming a member now!


We offer several services that can help you to better cope with loved ones mental health issue, including counselling, classes and workshops, support groups, etc.

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Our Resources section is overflowing with relevant information on various topics related to mental health issues. You have questions? You will probably find answers there. Our counsellors would also be happy to help you.

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Youth Zone

This section, dedicated to children, teens and young adults, offers support and information adapted to the situations and needs of young people caring for a person living with a mental health issue.

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in Mental Health

Our new regional guide The Caregiver's Ally in Mental Health is now available free of charge at our offices. Written by our professional mental health counsellors, it is an indispensable tool for families who are often faced with difficult situations. This 77-page guide, the only one of its kind on the West Island, includes pertinent information on the various mental health issues, concrete tools to help you cope with a loved one's mental health issue, the various resources available on the West Island and much more!

Pick up your copy now!

186, Place Sutton, suite 121
Beaconsfield, Quebec
H9W 5S3


Groups | Classes & Workshops | Activities | Events

Stay tuned for the various activities organized throughout the year by Friends for Mental Health by consulting our calendar. If you are looking for a support group, class, workshop, conference or other, the calendar will tell you when the activity will take place.

For more information, write to us at

Thanks to Friends for Mental Health

You make the difference and I wish you a long life

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how thankful we are to have the helpful resources we have found at Friends. With the exceptional times we are living in, when we are dealing with family members suffering from mental health issues, we have somewhere to turn. Our Counsellor has been an incredible resource for us.

Register now

Support groups

Our organization Friends for Mental Health offers various adapted support groups that target various groups of people in order to meet the demand and needs of all.

Learn more now and/or register to participate.

Thank you to all of our generous donors!

Click HERE to consult the complete list of our partners

Friends for Mental Health

Proud member of the network

WIMCC Proud member
Everyone is welcome here
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